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Hormone Informed Program

A 6-month 1 on 1 program for women & uterus owners that want to reconnect to their body and fertility through working to support their entire body’s system through nutritional care.

Feel like you’ve been searching for years to get answers to your menstrual cycle issues such as painful periods, painful ovulation, or the hormonal acne just before you start your period?


Have you tried talking to your doctor to find out and they only give you the option of hormonal birth control but you want to know more?

Is this you?

You deal with painful periods that cause you to miss school or work, throw up, consider calling the ambulance?


Your periods cause you to go through pads or tampons often because there is so much blood and has blood clots


You feel like you are so angry or sad before your period. 


You get that stubborn acne before your period


You have breast tenderness or migraines just before you start your period. 


You have been diagnosed with fibroids or ovarian cysts (not PCOS)


You have been diagnosed with endometriosis 


You have had excision surgery for endometriosis removal


You have been told that your period pain is normal


You have been told that the only thing you can do is get on hormonal birth control or get pregnant


You have been told there is nothing that can be done for period pain





How much longer can we allow the current system to enable us to believe that disconnecting from our fertility and body is the answer to dealing with root causes?


You are allowed to ask questions, you are allowed to ask questions, and you reserve

the right to explicit consent.


This program will….

Provide you with truly individualized support to help find the root cause of your symptoms


Educate yourself about your own body literacy & bodily autonomy 


Support you in understanding how to listen to your body & find what it needs


Give you practical tools to use to reduce your inflammation


Help you feel confident in receiving the right kind of care you require



Gold Level

Silver Level

  • 8 virtual consultations and follow ups over 6 months

    • 1st consultation is 1.5 hours

    • 7 follow ups will be 45 minutes 

  • Unlimited email support

  • Food sensitivity elimination & reintroduction support 

  • Support through elimination diets when needed

  • Meal plans

  • 1 Month Worth of Semaine Health

  • 1 Some Days Castor Oil Kit

  • 6 Virtual consultations & follow ups over 6 months

    • 1st consultation is 1.5 hours

    • 5 follow ups will be 45 minutes 

  • Food sensitivity elimination & reintroduction support 

  • Support through elimination diets when needed

This is for you if….


You believe that you aren’t just meant to live in pain 


You have been told that you have to go on hormonal birth control and that is not the option that you want to pursue


Your doctor has told you that everything looks fine when you are still suffering


You’re ready to connect to your fertility


You want to reduce your inflammation


You realise how important it is to learn how to advocate for yourself


You know that you are allowed to live a whole healthy life










This is not your average nutritional program

We will be assessing your gut health


We will be addressing your blood sugar & HPA axis


We will use functional testing to identify hormonal imbalances & deficiencies 


We will be looking at what as supportive healthy life style looks like for you


Your Story Matters 

As an FNTP, I work with you 1 on 1 to find a deep understanding in your symptoms and how I can support you appropriately. I believe that my work is a great way to complement the additional support you are getting for your painful periods, endometriosis, fibroids, and more. We will look at your health history, identify your foundational imbalance, set your goals, and work together to give support you & your body as a whole.




What Would Appointments Look Like?

Firstly, I would have send you in depth paperwork regarding who you are, your health history, and symptoms that you would like to work together on. I will review your paperwork and contact you to set up the initial consultation appointment. 


Our first appointment will be 1.5 hours long and we will follow up again in 2 weeks to check in and how I can be of more support. You will always have access to me via Voxer messages and email. 


We will identify what is needed for you and how we will work together to help manage your symptoms, get you feeling confident, and find the root cause of your symptoms over our 6 months together.


What are my 

3 foundations?




You’re body belongs to you and you get to make the decisions in regards to what you decide to nutritious it with




You fully understand how your body & reproductive health works so that you can make the best decisions to support it through food & supplementation




Understand the full risks, benefits, and possible outcomes of all the care that you are given so you make a decision that aligns with you 

Your body is not meant to be pain, nor is it meant to betray you every month. A normal period should make you feel a little tired because you are shedding an organ. You should still be able to hangout with friends, go to school, walk around, use a tampon for at lest 6 hours without a bleed through. 


You should be able to have a life that is not constantly planned around your painful period

Let's Start Working Together


Pay in Full

All prices are in USD.




Payment Plan

$300 Down payment




Your Investment


Pay in Full

I also offer a payment plan option. 

All prices are in USD.




Payment Plan

$400 down payment




Your Investment

I am trained and registered with the Nutritional Therapy Association and am insured globally.

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