My luteal phase can be a bit of a mess sometimes. I'm usually super crampy, moody, and my luteal phase is a bit shorter than I'd like it to be. But let's start with the basics so that this all makes sense!
Your luteal phase is the second part of your cycle! In this part of your cycle you are producing a hormone called progesterone which is controlled by the Corpus Luteum. Progesterone is produced after you ovulate (in the middle of your cycle) and this hormone has a variety of duties but one of it is to maintain the thickness of the lining of your uterus. For a fertilised egg to continue onto a zygote and onto a baby, it needs a thick uterine lining producing progesterone to maintain a healthy pregnancy. But if you don't fertilise that egg, then that uterine lining will still try to thicken for about 12-14 days. After this time frame, if your body has discovered that you haven't fertilised an egg it will force you onto your period.
But progesterone isn't just amazing for this reason it actually has a lot of benefits to other parts of your physical and mental health. Progesterone is what many people call the calming hormone: it counterbalances oestrogen. It may prevent breast cancer, boost thread hormone, and stimulates effects on how to thyroid raises our body temperature in the luteal phase. It also:
Reduces Inflammation
Builds Muscle
Promotes Sleep
Protects Against Heart Disease
Calms the Nervous System and Makes it Easier to Cope with Stress
What I have noticed for myself is that if my progesterone is low I get horrible PMS, so so moody. My mood is completely in the dumpster, everything is negative and there is almost no light at the end of the tunnel. And my luteal phase will only be 9-10 days instead of 12-14. This is what it's like having hormonal issues and experiencing problems such as endometriosis. I also read in a recent book that they find that women with endometriosis typically have low levels of progesterone which leads to the oestrogen dominance that is usually a common contributor in the disease.
But I have found ways of correcting my diet by cutting back on sugar, meat, dairy, gluten, caffeine, and foods I'm allergic to or intolerant of which makes a huge difference for me! I also tried a herb like vitex which really really helped when I was on it. I did not have any issues at all until I came off of it. That's when I hit rock bottom. I want to talk about this in a seperate post because it's often seen as we should always take vital but I think there are times when we shouldn't.
But for now, this is where I leave you with the luteal phase. Thanks for visiting Moonli!
Briden, L. (2018) Period Repair Manual. Sydney, Australia: Macmillan.